So if you follow me here, you will find that I have once again updated the design of my blog. I started writing a looooong time ago but a seriously started blogging around 2009 and 2010. I regularly have the habit to update my blogs. Not just the design but I also feel it is important to check old content for relevancy and improve the reading experience for my readers.
So, this blog has had a facelift in terms of design and I quite like it. It will probably not stay this way for longer than a year or so, because you need to keep things fresh and recognizable.
Secondly, I just installed Grammarly on my laptop and added it as an extension to Chrome. It is a wonderful app that helps you write. It not just corrects spelling and grammar but suggests better sentence structures. Oh, do I love that! I love to write, but I also type fast (typing was one of my top school subjects). I am blessed with words, so I need this app to help me keep things neat.
I went through each post from the start and edited each one, added my latest signature to give them all a uniform look. By doing this, I realized how far I have come and how much I have grown in my design skills, approach and also here on this blog. Signatures have come and gone but I think I love the latest one the most. It represents what I do here but also what I do over at Ivytree Studio.
I added "Bloglovin" to this blog and you can follow me there too. Bloglovin is a place where you can follow all your different blogs in one place. I love the concept, so I joined up. So should you if you are serious about growing your Blogger community.
Finally, I added new "pages" to the menu so you can now read according to your preferences. If you love scrapbooking, just click on the Scrapbooking page tab at the top of the blog. The first row of tabs up to the "contact me" tab, are mostly my websites, store and external pages. The second row of tabs are more the categories to this blog. Test them out and let me know what you think. I hope it brings more order to my blog as I plan to grow my post.
In the beginning, I wrote posts that had a little bit of everything I do in them. From cardmaking, scrapbooking and more. From now on I plan to do posts on a single topic at a time and rather do more posts. It is mostly a time-consideration issue than anything else. When I have the time, I play catch-up, but I would like that to change. So, I hope you stay tuned.
If you haven't worked your way through my posts yet, I hope you do. Don't forget to leave me a comment. I would just love that.